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HER : The Project Series

Feb 12, 2016

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“She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished.

How beautiful it was that she always chose herself.” – Tyler Kent White

I’ve always struggled with conveying my thoughts into words, so I’ve relied on my camera to speak for me. As with most artists, I have always wanted to work on something personal, something that had weight to it, and about 3 years ago, I tapped into something that always called to me. Let’s rewind a bit though. The moment I began shooting years ago, I looked to someone for inspiration. Someone who’s work would push me to do things I’d initially second guess doing or feel that I could not achieve.

And then I found him… Rodney Smith.

His work… It pulled something out from deep within, but kept my mind at peace. It has always influenced me to do things I’m uncomfortable with, go the unpopular route and most of all, has taught me that it’s okay to be myself. So jumping forward to finding something personal to work on… The big question arose: How would I convey my deep, personal and unheard thoughts from within through photographs? Then it hit me.


I have always struggled with appearances, self-worth at times, always comparing myself to others, and felt that I was alone in feeling this way but I realized soon enough that was not the case. I began meeting so many people who felt what I felt. So the project had to be tested. A lovely friend of mine volunteered and I’m grateful to this day that she did. But of course, life got in the way, and this project was forced into the background. Until September of 2015 when another form of inspiration hit me like a ton of bricks.

Geoffrey and I took a workshop from Jonas Peterson in Austin, Texas and what I heard him speak about was like a slap in the face. Vulnerability and being open with others. I had forgotten that I am vulnerable, yet not a very open person. I had forgotten that we are all vulnerable, capable of opening up to each other. I had forgotten that vulnerability or openness is one of the most human qualities one could possess. I left that workshop, reflecting on why I had allowed so many trivial things to get in the way all these years, and made it my resolve to not allow that to happen again. I wanted to meet more vulnerable people. People who would open up to me, share their goals and fears, worry with me, laugh with me… And the simple fact that those who do open up, are worth my time.

I went home from the workshop and kept reflecting on these words: I am enough.

How could I portray that? How can I make others feel that? I figured the best way to find out was to begin being vulnerable once again and open up to others. The results I got in return were incredible. People began relaxing with me, telling me their life stories, their shortcomings, their triumphs… I began seeing myself in everyone along with qualities I too wanted to possess. I quickly realized that by photographing these people in a one-on-one setting, we were able to get to know each other, photographing them exactly the way I, and the rest of the world, sees them.

This project has come a long way thus far and I’m sure that as more time passes, there will be some fine tuning done to it. But for now, I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with so many lovely girls, and having the awesome privilege of showing what makes them so special and valuable. I hope to come across more girls like this who are willing to connect, put down the walls and be real with me for an hour or so. The location is tailored on their personality. The wardrobe is what you feel most proud to be seen in and what makes you, you. I have already had an overwhelmingly positive response, and I can’t wait for what’s in store with this project and getting the wonderful opportunity to watch it grow.

I can’t wait to meet more real women. I can’t wait to meet HER.


comments +

  1. Brittany Bourg says:

    Beautiful!!! ????????????????????

  2. Stacy says:

    Wow I don’t read blogs very often anymore especially photog blogs cause I beat myself up to much when I do that anyway(sorry to go off on a tangent there). This is amazing and I throughly enjoyed reading it and hope I remember to come back and read again. We need more women uplifting other women. Here’s to your new endeavor???? May it shine a positive light in someone’s life.

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